Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fantasia R U Ready aka Cowboy

Here is our boy Cowboy. Peg and I purchased Cowboy from Fantasia Shih Tzu as a puppy. Cowboy lives with Peggy of Chenille Shih Tzu and he is co-owned by me. Peg never sent me the picture so I went to Flickr and grab it:) I love this boy, but as I told Peg I couldn't keep him because of my shepherds and wouldn't want him to get hurt. Since he climbs fences. But what a cutie he is. Check Cowboy out when he was in coat at Deblyns Guys

Here are some photos of Cowboy as a young pup.


Unknown said...

Very nice Debby, your blog is looking super, love all the new photo's especially the hot one of Cowboy. Isn't he just the cutest love bug, you know he will never leave here. Jerry's boy! we just get the play with him time to time.

Debby White said...

Thank you Peg. Yes I believe Cowboy is Jerrys. For someone who bitched when we got him. See how things turn about :)